Monday, July 2, 2012

So it's been quite some time...

So it has been a while....

A lot has happened since my last post but here's a quick run down.

+we got married!!! yay! everything went off so well and so smoothly and I just have to give everyone that helped us a big huge shout out because you guys all rock and are amazing!

+we finally moved into our house! after 6 long long months of torture and the worst process ever, we were finally able to move in and we love it! we have done some work so far to make it our own but aren't in a rush to get everything done all at once. right now we are focusing on outdoor stuff so the inside will have to wait until winter.

+we added a little girl to our family! yes we are crazy and adopted another dog from the south! her name is Gracie and she is absolutely adorable and the sweetest dog ever. her and joey spend their days lounging around the house or tearing through our yard. we have the best little family ever.

+ as per dr.s orders, I was told that I needed to change my diet and was recommended to the paleo diet. so if I'm on it, he's on it. so far so good. I have lost a total of 10lbs out of the 30-40 that I would like to lose and he has lost about the same. paleo was hard to start off because it's no processed food and we both grew up with working families that lived on mac and cheese and anything you could put in the microwave or the oven. he has had a harder time than I have. I feel so much better and have had no headaches or bloating which is a huge plus.

Soooo, I'm re titled this blog because this is how I feel most days. a not so domestic housewife. ha ha. I can clean like nobody's business but when it comes to actual cooking and/or other housewifely duties I'm not so sure. Cooking has def gotten better because of this diet. Although, I did learn the difference between parchment and wax paper and why wax paper shouldn't go in the oven. :( I also discovered that when one puts a cup of something where there is only supposed to be a tablespoon, it causes one's husband to promptly spit the food item out. OOPS!

Well to close I have some incredibly wonderful news that one of my nearest and dearest has gotten engaged! Michele and Brennan I couldn't be happier for you!

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